The Art of Conversation

December 7, 2024 in guidance by Lorenzo Gerardi2 minutes

How to chat with Fred's team of expert. A practical introduction.

Using Fred, the chatbot, you become part of a team of experts. Just like in real life, you can talk to one expert, a group of them, or all of them depending on what you need.

In this blog, we share some tips to help you get the best out of Fred’s powerful team.

Ask the Right Expert for Precise Answers

When you ask a question to a group of people, the answer might be rich but sometimes too broad. If you need precision, talk to the right expert.

For example, if you want information about your Kubernetes application, select Kera, the technical expert. Kera knows your application inside out and will give you a quick, precise response. Each expert is equipped with specialized tools to fetch relevant details, like performance, cost, configuration, or sizing.

If you ask Fred (the team leader) the same question, Fred will carefully plan and break the question into sub-questions for several experts. While the final response will still be helpful, it might take longer, and you’ll notice that not all intermediate information is used in the final answer.

Build Your Own Expert Group

Sometimes, you need insights from two or three experts who complement each other. It’s more efficient than asking everyone.

Fred allows you to do exactly that. In the chat, you can select specific experts to focus on your question. It’s like pulling the right people aside for a quick, targeted discussion.

Conversations Build Context

Don’t forget—conversations are remembered. Fred keeps track of your discussion context across all the experts you talk to.

For example:

  • Start by asking Kera about your Kubernetes cluster.
  • Then switch to Clara for monitoring details.
  • Go back to Kera for follow-up questions.

This seamless context switching is what makes Fred’s team so powerful. Watch this video (in French) to see a real example of how a productive exchange works: